SO/ Berlin Das Stue - Luxury hotel - Zoo & Tiergarten

Zoo & Tiergarten

Together with Tierpark Berlin and Aquarium Berlin, Berlin Zoo is the largest one in Europe. It is the “green oasis” of the City West and is unparalleled in terms of species diversity. Nowhere else in the world do we encounter a good 20,000 animals from almost 1,300 species in one day. Numerous popular animals such as elephant, giraffe and lion can be discovered.

Thanks to his great passion for exotic animals, King Frederick William III of Prussia laid the foundation for the Zoo Berlin. After three years of construction, the Berlin Zoological Garden opened on 1 August 1844. It is the oldest zoo in Germany and the ninth oldest in the world. It is in close proximity of the hotel.

Together with his first wife, Louise of Prussia, he established an impressive menagerie on the romantic Pfaueninsel (‘Peacock Island’) from the beginning to the middle of the 19th century that was also open to visitors.

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